Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Division of Organic Chemistry

Division of Organic ChemistryDivision of Organic Chemistry is a scientific discipline in organic chemistry that involves study of chemical interactions. It is the study of the interacting chemical reactions, chemical structures and the chemical properties of organic compounds. This program is done primarily in the United States and Canada.You can learn this field through two options; online or on campus. If you enroll at an online school, you need to attend classroom classes, which can be in person or be conducted by the distance learning. Online schools usually offer online programs with online lectures, discussion forums, and also various labs to solve your problems. If you prefer a campus based school, the courses you attend will depend on the college or university that you choose.If you have decided to take this field of science, you will also need to pick a major in organic chemistry so as to specialize in your chosen field. There are also available online degrees, which include pre-doctoral, master's, and PhD programs. If you want to become an inorganic chemist specialist, you need to take a course in organic chemistry which would lead to a diploma or a doctorate.Online schools offer specialized online courses, such as inorganic chemistry, inorganic physics, biochemistry, biophysics, and organic chemistry. There are many online programs that are accredited, even if some are not accredited, because they are approved by a professional body for their own research. Online school may offer accelerated and regular programs.For those students who want to take courses related to organic chemistry but have limited time or inclination to travel, online schools can help them. Courses like, molecular mechanics, organic crystallography, spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, basic biology, basic microbiology, general biochemistry, general chemistry, bioinformatics, computer science, and computer engineering can be taught online, although you will have to attend classroom cl asses. This helps your students to learn the theories, principles, and concepts in organic chemistry at a faster pace.As well as the courses in organic chemistry, there are also several other courses that can be studied through online colleges or universities in the field of organic chemistry. These courses will help you understand the organic processes and know more about it. You can study the different chemical reactions as well as the factors that are involved.Online schools are accredited so that you get the education you want and deserve. Once you have completed a course online, you can receive certificates and degrees to show to your future employers. This makes them easier to verify your credentials and you will be more credible when you are applying for jobs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

List of English Telephone Phrasal Verbs - English Lesson via Skype

List of English Telephone Phrasal Verbs - English Lesson via Skype Dont like reading? Scroll down for Telephone Phrasal Verbs infographic and English video lesson on useful English telephone phrases. Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: There are certain telephone phrasal verbs that ESL students need to know if they want to communicate well using the telephone.  The telephone is still a vital part of everyday business life, with most employees having at least one phone call  per day. Native speakers use phrasal verbs very often when they speak.  Lets take a closer look at telephone phrasal verbs commonly used  in telephone conversations in English. List of 15 Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English to call backto call upto cut offto get back to someoneto get throughto hang upto put someone throughto pass on to hold onto pick upto get offto switch offto switch onto break upto speak up English Telephone Phrasal Verbs with Meanings and Examples TO CALL BACK â€" to telephone someone (again) laterWe can also say to ring back or to phone back.Ex. I am sorry, but this number is engaged. Would you like to call back later?TO CALL UP â€" to telephone someoneWe can also say to ring up or to phone up.Ex. I rang up to cancel my gym membership.I called up the clinic yesterday to make an appointment with my doctor.TO CUT OFF â€" to lose a telephone connection. We can also use it in passive form â€" to be cut off, to get cut offEx. Sorry, I ran out of credit, and we got cut off.If you don’t pay your phone bill on time, the phone company will cut you off.TO GET BACK TO SOMEONE  â€" to telephone someone laterEx. Sorry, I am in the meeting right now, can I get back to you in twenty minutes?TO GET THROUGH â€" to get a telephone connection with someoneEx. I can’t get through to Dad, he doesn’t answer his phone.TO HANG UP â€" end a telephone conversation (often abruptly).Ex. I am not sure what happened, Jane just hung up in the middle o f the conversation!We can also use hang up with preposition on if someone hangs up on you. Quite often it means that the other person was frustrated or upset.Ex. He hung up on me.I can’t believe she hung up on me!TO PUT SOMEONE THROUGH  â€" to connect someone on the phoneEx. Could you put me through to Mr. White, please, on extension 316? TO HOLD ON â€" wait (for a short time). Generally we use it in imperative form.Ex. Please hold on the line, I’ll put you through.TO PICK UP  â€" to answer a phone callEx. I tried calling her last night but she didn’t pick up.TO GET OFF  (the phone) â€" to finish talking on the phoneEx. I should get off the phone, I have so much to do.Ive just got off the phone with Mum, she is keeping well.TO SWITCH OFF â€" to disconnect using the power buttonEx. You should switch off your laptop during take-off and landing.We can also say TO TURN OFF.TO SWITCH ON â€" to connect using the power buttonEx. You shouldn’t switch on your mobile phone after landing until you are in the terminal building.We can also say TURN ON.TO SPEAK UP â€" to speak louderEx. I’m afraid I didn’t hear you very well, the line is very bad. Could you speak up a little please?TO BREAK UP â€" the line is quite bad and you can’t hear a person on a call clearly (usually when talking on a mobile)Ex. Sorry, you are br eaking up, I didn’t hear that very well. Could you repeat, please?TO RING OFF â€" to finish a telephone conversationEx. I have to ring off now, but I’ll give you a call tomorrow.TO PUT DOWN (the phone) â€" to end a telephone conversationEx. Put your phone down and do your homework!TO PASS ON (a message) â€" to communicate (to convey) a message to someone elseEx. I’m sorry, John is not at his desk at the moment. I’ll pass the message on as soon as he comes back.

BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour

BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour The BASIS Curriculum Schools network is a rapidly expanding network of over 30 schools, operating public charter schools in the USA, independent schools in the USA; and private international schools, globally. Opening its doors in fall 2018, BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour will be located within a new resort development at Daya Bay, near Huizhou in Guangdong Province. The school will be a day and boarding school for up to 1,200 students, initially from grades 5-9, growing to be a 5-12 school. BASIS Globals mission is to empower their students to achieve at globally competitive levels with a transformative coeducational K-12 American program and focuses on providing the best education to expatriate families and citizens alike. BASIS Global aims to deliver a gold standard of education all over the world, achieved by combining the world-class, benchmarked BASIS Curriculum with highly qualified teachers who are sought after their deep subject knowledge. [video:]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Do you spend enough time with your kids - ALOHA Mind Math

Do you spend enough time with your kids The parent in thisarticletalks about how doing a simple project with your children is so much more rewarding than letting them spend time with electronic devices because you’re busy with something else. Have you ever felt similar to what she talks about? This may be a very common feeling especially with working parents who sometimes feel like they are snatching for time spent with their kids. Here are some things you can try to make things different: Schedule the time:Prioritize your tasks so that you always get to spend some quality time with your child. This includes time for “just” chatting about what happened during your day. Kids have a habit of sharing tiny tidbits about their day that can give you a lot of insights into what is happening in their lives. Once you make a habit of it at a young age, they just might continue to share a little bit into their teenage years too. Photo Courtesy: Plan hands-on activities:You can plan a lot of hands-on activities and even take up one project a month to make something interesting. It could be something like helping you build a tree house which will also have a tangible result for the child to enjoy and cherish for a long time. It could also be related to something your kid is learning at school, so it will have the added benefit of helping them understand their schoolwork better. Introduce a new habit:If you feel like your child may not be reading enough, this is the time to sit with them and read a book. The more of an example you set, the more the kids will follow. Teaching them to keep a diary is another great activity that is interesting and will also improve their creative writing skills along the way. A parent I know introduced a daily tell-a-story-before-bedtime routine to improve his child’s confidence. We all try to do the best we can, and hopefully with the help of these little tips we can enjoy spending more quality time with our kids. Our classes at ALOHA can serve as a great way to improve your kid’s confidence at school. Do check out our website for more details:

6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting An Internship

6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting An Internship 2. Work routines differ from school routines. While you may be used to waking up and going to class, doing homework, and chilling with Netflix every day, you may not be accustomed to a work routine. A work routine is where you do the same exact or very similar thing day in and day out. As an intern, be prepared to repeat menial tasks very often. These tasks probably won’t vary much and may seem boring to do day after day. Many people feel like this when starting a new job or internship. Don’t be afraid to let your bosses know that you feel you aren’t being used to your full potential and they might give you something more invigorating. 3. Task management gets more complicated. Sure, you can balance five classes at a time, a part-time job and a social life. But can you time manage an internship? While you may have lots of people working above you, this does not mean that they take responsibility for you. This means that you have things to manage at work by yourself like coordinating meetings, lunch-breaks, and the tasks you’ve been assigned. This means prioritizing and prioritizing well. You’ll likely be given multiple tasks from multiple people at the same time which can lead to more problems in trying to manage the workload. Don’t be alarmed if your minute by minute schedule doesn’t align precisely. One of the best skills you can learn is to be efficient, but flexible. 4. Employee bonding is extremely important.   Likewise, even at a part-time job or in your classes, you won’t have spent as many long hours with the same people each day of the week. You’ll begin to understand your coworkers who is talkative, who is strict, who likes the same basketball team as you. You’ll develop connections and friendships easily just by being in the same space. As a working part of a team, they’re vital in your value to the company. If they feel that you fit well and try your hardest, this will translate into good work and positive outlook. This isn’t saying that you should kiss up to everyone, but be polite to your coworkers, even the ones that you may not care for. Part of being a well-rounded employee is getting along and being polite to everyone, no matter your personal opinion of them. 5. A learning curve exists. So much of an internship is thrown at you on the first day and there is little you can do to prepare for it. It’s likely that while you may have studied a similar field, actually being and working in it is a whole different monster. Don’t expect to know everything at once. It may seem that everyone else is entirely more competent than you are, but don’t forget that they’ve been doing it much longer. Soon you’ll get the hang of the computer system and the copy machine. You’ll know not to try and chat to people before 8 in the morning. Don’t fret because it seems overwhelming. All of it will fall into place with time. Also, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Doing something wrong that seems obvious to everyone else was probably a mistake they all made at one point too. Everybody starts somewhere and don’t be afraid to ask questions rather than continuing to do things incorrectly. They won’t think you’re dumb they went through a similar process too. 6. Remember to have fun. While this internship probably isn’t your first job, it may be the first thing you really enjoy. Your past part-time jobs were likely primarily for earning money and not continuing your career. However, hopefully when you enter an internship in a field you’re interested in, you’ll realize just how fulfilling and helpful a job can be. Sometimes you may even forget that you could possibly be getting paid every day to do the wonderful things that you already love doing. Whether solving problems or equations, reading manuscripts or re-branding, discovering your love while interning is a wonderful experience that will impact your future greatly. No matter the internship, hopefully knowing these things will help you be prepared and excited for the future you’re embarking in. Remember that your happiness is crucial to your success in your career and an internship is one of the best ways to determine that. Looking for a top internship in an exciting city? Enroll in Dream Careers and guarantee yourself an internship and a fun summer in your choice of 11 cities globally. To visit our website, please click here.

3 Reasons You Should Work On Your Listening Skills

3 Reasons You Should Work On Your Listening Skills Chances are good that you aren’t as good of a listener as you think you are. And just a quick tip to everyone: Beware of those who claim to be good listeners. Studies report that an average of 20-30% of what we say is not interpreted the way we intended.  But maybe you’re asking yourself, “20-30%? That’s not so much! Who cares about that?” Maybe you’re wondering why you even need to focus on being a better listener. Reason Number One: People Will Like You More People who have great command over their language and deliver incredible motivating speeches are wonderful to listen to. But that does not always mean they are equally as good at listening as they are at speaking or even that they are very empathetic. Take Hitler, for example. Fantastic speech giver. Rallied an entire country behind his movement. But I think we can all agree that empathy wasn’t exactly his strong suit. Don’t be a Hitler. Shut up and learn to listen. Reason Number Two: You’ll Become A Smarter Person “You learn a lot more by listening than you ever could by speaking.” Okay, I don’t actually know who originally said that but I only agree with that about 60% of the time. I’d say just about every time I get into a debate with someone I end up having to explain my point in a new way that makes me think about it in a new way and therefore I learn something new. So there’s that. But the problem lies with those thoughts we all get where we aren’t really listening to the other person anymore because were too busy just thinking about what we want to say as soon as the other person gives us the chance by stopping to take a breath. Don’t do that. Actively listen to what the other person is saying and process all of it. That way, at the very least, you’ll have more to comment on when you do get a chance to speak again. Youre also just less likely to misinterpret something they said and therefore can spend less time arguing over something they maybe didnt actually even say. Reason Number Three: It Will Help You Learn Another Language Listening is easily the most important task in learning another language (and I say this from current personal experience). Memorize as many verbs and nouns as you want but if you cant pick them out audibly in a face to face conversation it doesnt really matter. Listening someone speak a language you are currently trying to learn is one of the best ways for you to realize the real tangible difference between active and passive listening. And let’s be honest, if you’re bilingual (especially in America), you are immediately more attractive. So become a better listener. Learn a new language quicker. Use that new language to woo the ladies (or gents! We like suave, unintelligible-sounding, gibberish whispered in our ear too!). Go on more dates. Find the love of your life. Get married. Live happily ever after! The end! (Also, since you’re listening to her more closely now, you might actually know what she’s mad at you for finally! *Emphasis on the “might.”) Seriously though, listening is just so much more important than speaking sometimes. And we know this is true because of all the tropes we grew up with like, “You were given two ears and just one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you talk. Ironically, these were forced down our throats by those who just wanted us to shut up long enough for them to talk more though, like our teachers and parents! If you aren’t convinced yet though, then you may have just not been paying close enough attention!

Having a Chinese Tutor in Chicago

Having a Chinese Tutor in ChicagoWhen one visits the Chinese community in Chicago, it is quite possible that they may have already had a Chinese tutor in the past. It is difficult to say if a person has had such an experience, but it would be a strange fact that most of the people who would want to have such an experience are not very happy with it. There are many reasons why this might be the case. The first is that it can be quite an expensive experience and not every person can afford it.Secondly, the decision to have a Chinese tutor can be very difficult for some people, especially in the social circumstances that they live in. Of course, some people want to have such an experience because of the amazing resources that they will be given. People who have experienced a similar situation where they went to school and they needed a Chinese tutor for a language class may have some questions and doubts. These are just a few of the many questions that can arise from having a Chinese tu tor in Chicago. I'll try to address some of the more common ones here.A lot of people will worry about being bad students. Some people are afraid that this is going to be an extremely difficult thing to deal with and that they may fail the whole class. As you probably know, Chinese are spoken by many people and most people do not understand everything that they say. As such, not everyone is able to speak it as well as you can. Many people who want to have this experience and want to learn a new language tend to think that they would not be very good at it.They will also wonder how they will ever be able to communicate effectively with a Chinese tutor if they are not good at it. After all, how is someone supposed to learn another language without understanding it? This is exactly what it means to be able to communicate effectively.Another concern is that many people do not want to spend the money that it will cost to have a Chinese tutor. Since this is such a common thing, it can cau se some people to worry that this would be too much of a financial burden for them. If a person thinks that they have to have a Chinese tutor then they could just take a Spanish or Italian class instead. Even though those classes are much cheaper than an adult class, it is still something that they need to have done. If they don't do it then they would lose out on a quality education.There are many other concerns that people have regarding this type of situation. While some of them can be overcome, a lot of them are impossible to overcome. That is one of the main reasons why so many people choose to seek out a way to have an adult version of a Chinese tutor. It will allow them to save money as well as the time of attending the normal classes that they would otherwise not be able to afford.A Chinese tutor can be an extremely beneficial experience for a person if they are willing to put forth the effort to get one. It will help them to learn a language while providing them with valuab le lessons that they will never forget.